Sometimes your workouts may have varying rep ranges or unique styles that may look unfamiliar. Below are elements you’ll see in your program from time to time!
- 2-4-6-8-10, etc.. : Perform ascending reps by adding 2 reps every set
- 2k,3k,4k: Kilometers
- ALT: Alternating
- AMRAP: As Many Rounds As Possible (complete as many rounds of a prescribed workout as you can within a set time)
- Anaerobic: Exercise without oxygen (short bursts of intense effort)
- Band-Assisted: Using resistance bands to aid in performing an exercise
- BJ: Box Jump
- BK: Below the Knee
- BTWN: Between
- BW: Bodyweight; Using your own body weight as resistance
- Cal: Calories
- Cyclical: Pick any of these: Row, BIke, Run, Jump Rope, etc..
- DB: Dumbbell
- DL: Deadlift
- DU: Double Unders
- ECC: Eccentric
- Erg: Choose a Machine: Bike Erg / Row Erg
- For Quality: Work at an effort that allows you to maintain control of your movements
- GHD: Glute Ham Developer
- HPC: Hang Power Clean
- Ev 90s: Every 90s perform a specific exercise every 90 seconds
- EMOM: Every Minute On the Minute (perform a specific exercise at the beginning of each minute)
- E2MOM: Every 2Minutes On the Minute (perform a specific exercise at the beginning of each minute)
- E3MOM: Every 3 Minutes On the Minute (perform a specific exercise at the beginning of each minute)
- FS: Front Squat
- Isometric: Holding a muscle contraction without movement
- KB: Kettlebell; A cast iron weight with a handle used for various exercises
- KBS: Kettlebell Swings
- rKBS: Russian Kettlebell Swings
- 300m / 400m: 300m / 400m
- MIN: Minute
- KOT: Knees Over Toes
- K2E: Knees to Elbows
- OH: Overhead
- PC: Power Clean
- PU: Pullup
- RDL: Romanian Deadlift
- RFESS: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
- RPE: Rate of Percieved Exertion
- ROM: Range of Motion
- SA: Single Arm
- SEC: Seconds
- T2B: Toes to Bar
- T2R: Toes to Rings
- TNG: Touch N Go
- TGU: Turkish Get Up
- WB: Wall ball
- WTD: Weighted
- Vol: Volume